Knez Mihailova 56/I floor
11 000 Belgrade
contact: Vesna Bulajić
phone: 011/ 2024-017, 2024-018, 2024-020 or 2024-021
e-mail: bulajicvesna@yahoo.com
This Department is in charge of the bibliographic processing of all monographic publications for the Library’s alphabetized catalogue, professional classification according to the UDC system and detailed analytical subject classification.
The librarians of the Department follow and implement single international and local standards and rules in processing library materials, compose electronic catalogues and create bibliographical databases in BISIS.
Professional seminars intended for the training of school and municipal libraries are prepared and organized in cooperation with the Department for the Development of Library Activities.
The department researches traditional and electronic sources, gathers and processes bibliographic information for reference, registers, bulletins, etc.
Students, pupils and other users may ask the Department for processing and bibliographic research for assistance in searching the catalogues and electronic database of the Library.